Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday Follow

Friday Follow

What the heck, Bug is at her Nana's this morning, the house is quiet, and I'm enjoying coffee.  That sounds like the perfect time to join Friday Follow and find some new blogs!

If you got to my blog from the follow, thanks for stopping by!  I can't wait to check out the new blogs today!  If you didn't get here from the Friday Follow McLinky, click on the picture and you'll be taken to the McLinky and you can find some new blogs too!

(please excuse any part of this post that seems as if it was written by my four year old.  I've only had one cup of coffee and it's a SMALL cup today!)


♥Jennette♥ said...

Stopping in for friday follow! I am following!

Bree, Home of Blogmania said...

I'd like to drop some poundage and see, maybe if we're onto #3 and if not then maybe i'll enjoy myself more- ha. Have a great morning enjoying your quite time! I am following you back!

Mass Hole Mommy said...

Hi! Friday following!

I am Harriet said...

Stopping by via Friday Followers to say hello.

Have a great weekend!

Nikki said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! Returning the follow and looking forward to exploring your blog more!
I'm also trying to come up with some healthier alternatives for my family! We'll have to share info!!!

Letherton said...

Here from FF

Take a minute to check out my blog
Photography, life and Giveaways
I have a lot of giveaways going including a misikko flat iron over 100 dollar value

Momrempel said...

Here from Friday Follow and now following! Great blog:) Please stop by and follow back when you have a chance:)

Family-Friendly Product Reviews said...

Happy Friday Follow! I'm your newest follower...if you get a chance, please stop by and follow me too! Have a great weekend!

Stephanie - My Frugal Lifestyle said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you back now :)

Stephanie from My Frugal Lifestyle

Darcy said...

stopping by from FF! Happy Easter!