Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Easter Grinch

Here I sit, at 11:30 on the night before Easter, uncertain whether the Easter Bunny will pay our home a visit or not.  If I had my way, I don't think he would, but the hubs is at a movie with a friend and mentioned going to pick up Easter Bunny treats when they're done.  He was going based on what I had said earlier, before I had a revelation, so it's not like a battle between the parents.

You see, Hubs isn't a religious person.  This wasn't an issue in the past and it's not a huge issue now, but I've changed and grown recently.  He doesn't see an issue with the Easter Bunny or Santa, but I'm developing one.

Why is it that when we celebrate the two most important holidays in the Christian faith, we also play a game with our children where we lead them to believe that mythical creatures are going to pay a visit to them and bring them things?  As adults, we all know that the day will come when they no longer believe in the big man and the bunny, so why do we go down that road at all?

And if we lead them to believe that Easter Bunny and Santa are real and they later learn they aren't, isn't it possible that that may lead them to question whether Jesus is real?  I know it may be a stretch, but if you think about it, why are we lying to them about the existence of certain people at the exact time we should be teaching them about the reality and importance of Him?

It'll be interesting to see if Hubs comes hopping in with baskets for the kids in the middle of the night.


Kelly's Lucky You said...

I'm stopping by from Friday Follow. I hope you'll follow me back (or if you already do, thank you!)

I just put out, oops, help the big bunny put out my daughter's Easter basket and I'm hopping some blogs.

Happy Easter from my family to yours!


Kitty Deschanel said...

I love that religion hasn't come between you and your hubby. The way I see it, kids have so much fun celebrating the fun aspects of Easter and Christmas. There are only a few years during your entire life when you get to have that kind of magical excitement about the Easter Bunny. To me, it seems a shame to miss out on it.

I'd love to know whether or not there was any Easter candy in your house today! :)

Lamb’s Most Recent Post: Beware of (CUTE) Identity Theft this Easter

Upstatemamma said...

Well, I see your point. I do. And I'm not arguing with you. But I read somewhere that one of the main reasons that we tell our children about Santa and the Easter Bunny is that they are easier for them to understand than God. That believing in the Bunny and Santa prepares them for real faith. When they are old enough to understand that these things are not real they have already learned the basics of faith and trusting in something you cannot see. The seed has been planted. That sounded right to me and so we do Santa and the Bunny. Oh okay we do them because they are fun too. :)

Mommy3 said...

I do see your point. I know a lot of people who have the treats and the kids know it's all a fun game of pretend (the bunny). Like I don't think my daughter actually believes a bunny is hopping around all night bringing easter baskets and hiding eggs. But she enjoys the game of it and the treats. :)

Heather said...

Thanks for the input, ladies! I especially love the thought of preparing children to have faith in other things they can't see. The bunny did come to our house and he brought an amazing basket filled with art supplies and very little candy. Sometimes, that bunny is smart!