Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We've All Heard it Before

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”
Jeremiah 29:11-12

How many times have we all heard this passage paraphrased from others in our lives?  How many times have we rolled our eyes when we heard all about the "big plans" that God has for us?

If you had told me a year ago that by walking in to help with props for a local theater production I would be meeting two of the greatest friends in Jesus that a girl could ask for, I'd have told you that you were off your rocker!

If you had told me six months ago that I would be inviting random strangers to church, I'd have laughed in your face.  I had never, in almost 32 years of life invited someone to church or "cold called" about my faith!

If you had told me as recently as a month ago that I would be starting the company that we have started, I wouldn't have believed it for a minute.

It wasn't until I learned to let go of what I thought the "right path" for me was and opened my heart to hear the path my Savior wanted me to take that things started to fall into place.

The woman who was merely a neighbor to my dad a year ago is now my sister in Christ.  We formed a bond based on a love of theater while creating some amazing props for "The King & I".  We danced the Macarena during "Getting to Know You" every night, almost trying to get the cast to crack up on stage.  It wasn't until about a month ago that we sat in a bar and the conversation turned to church.  Two weeks ago, her family attended my son's baptism.  Last week, we sat and enjoyed coffee while our children attended Sunday School.  We look forward to sitting together again this Sunday and we have made plans for next week as well.  We are not only attending church together, we are getting involved in our church together!

I was also lucky enough to meet a brother in Christ at the same time.  While we haven't had many discussions about our beliefs and we attend different churches, he is my brother.  Tonight, I will pray for him as he recovers from an illness just as I know he would for me. 

Next Friday, our three families will get together for a late breakfast before heading to the Good Friday service together.  I know in my heart that this will become a tradition for us as Jesus has led us to one another.

This is only one of many scenes on the path God has had for me since before I was born.  I only wish it hadn't taken me 32 years to find the road because it truly is a wonderful trip!

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